Ricardo Raad is the owner of Hills Motor Repairs in Sydney’s West and he made the change to AnglomOil products in 2016.
He became a mechanic at the age of 18 and worked in Dubai for 14 years on a variety of prestige European makes and models of cars before moving to Australia.
During this time Ricardo worked at a ‘super’ workshop with more than 100 work bays which were so clean you could eat off the floor. This was where he was taught the intricacies of the technology in Mercedes Benz, BMW, Audi, VW, Lexus, Range Rover and Porsche.
Ricardo received the Daimler Chrysler Mechanic Of The Year award three times.
It was during this time working on expensive prestige vehicles that Ricardo learned that you don’t have to get dirty while working on cars. He wears disposable gloves each time a car comes in and if an engine bay is filthy he cleans it before starting work (a rather unique feature we have’nt seen anywhere else).
Ricardo is very knowledgeable of these car marques and he has customers who travel from all corners of Sydney to use him. While we talked to him at his Seven Hills workshop to record the following comments he had an AMG E63 on the hoist and an SLK coupe waiting outside.
“I like the fact that AnglomOil is not in retail stores but is sold straight to those of us in the trade.”
“I also like the company’s passion for excellence. They are more concerned about making an excellent product for workshops than just flooding the market with something average.”
“I have always been very particular about what oil I use. Before I was introduced to Anglomoil I only used premium brands and I was willing to pay the extra. I want the very best for my customers. Then I made the change and I have been pleasantly surprised by how well the AnglomOil products perform. My customers can tell the difference as soon as they drive away from here.”
“The big differences are that cars that were using up a lot of oil with other brands are no longer using any at all. And, when I change the oil it still looks good. There is no sludging. The internals look very clean. I’ll give you an example. I have a customer with a VW R series car. He does a lot of mileage every week and he forgot to come back to me at the regular service time. In fact, he did 25,000 kilometres before I saw him again. With other brands you would expect the oil to be thick and sludgy and to smell. Not the AnglomOil, it still looked good and there was no smell. My customer said he didn’t notice any difference in the performance of his car over that time.”
Ricardo has produced a series of practical auto care videos on Facebook – go to https://www.facebook.com/HillsMotorRepairs/?fref=ts